Beyond the Words
By Charleine
How many times have we formed opinions without understanding why? How many times have we reached decisions without knowing how? Did they really insert chips inside our bodies to be able to control us as many have been claiming in the past few years? Of course not.
Communication is power and the person who masters the art of communication knows exactly how the brain works and how to get us believe or do whatever is being said to us. Does this mean that we are passive receptors of information? Definitely not. We can surely resist when we learn how communication takes place and how to question the information we receive.
Beyond the Words
By Charleine
How many times have we formed opinions without understanding why? How many times have we reached decisions without knowing how? Did they really insert chips inside our bodies to be able to control us as many have been claiming in the past few years? Of course not.
Communication is power and the person who masters the art of communication knows exactly how the brain works and how to get us believe or do whatever is being said to us. Does this mean that we are passive receptors of information? Definitely not. We can surely resist when we learn how communication takes place and how to question the information we receive.
Dr. Charleine Saad Elias
Hello dear reader,
My name is Charleine and my favorite thing in life is teaching the secrets of communication and raising awareness on the importance of thinking beyond the words.
My PhD in Language Sciences and Translation was the beginning of a journey that I’ve chosen to take in the world of Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistics.
I’ve become more curious about manipulative techniques in communication after closely observing how media and politics have been shaping the public opinion in the world.
Dr. Charleine Saad Elias
Hello dear reader,
My name is Charleine and my favorite thing in life is teaching the secrets of communication and raising awareness on the importance of thinking beyond the words.
My PhD in Language Sciences and Translation was the beginning of a journey that I’ve chosen to take in the world of Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistics.
I’ve become more curious about manipulative techniques in communication after closely observing how media and politics have been shaping the public opinion in the world.
“Quote of the Week”
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it wrongly and applying unsuitable remedies.
Ernest Benn
“Quote of the Week”
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it wrongly and applying unsuitable remedies.
Ernest Benn
Till Death Do Us Part
On the evening of 17 October, 2019, I could not foresee the turning point that was lying ahead in the history of Lebanon. The protests that spread across the country after the government had announced its “plans to impose new taxes on free messaging apps like Whatsapp”, turned into clashes between protesters and the riot police.
A Word or a Trap?
Every time you hear, read or see a piece of information, be it political, economic, social or even religious, and you experience a great deal of negative or even positive emotions, you should ask yourself: is this true?
Beyond Fear
They say actions speak louder than words, but they never say that words are loud enough to dictate actions. Words are so powerful that they can speak to our mind and make us act and react in a certain way.