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How many times have we formed opinions or reached decisions without knowing why we did so? How many times have we felt that we were being programmed without understanding what was really going on? Did they really need to insert chips inside our bodies to be able to control us as many have been claiming in the past few years? Of course not.

Controlling someone’s mind can be easily done through the use of the right words and communication techniques. Studies have shown us that our brains contain mental structures that say a lot about the way we see and understand the world. These structures are formed as we grow up and as we encounter different kinds of life experiences.

Let’s take an example. If I ask you to think of the word “light”, what’s the image that crosses your mind? While some take it literally and think of a lamp or the sun, others might think of their loved ones as the light of their lives. Regardless of how you see it, what you really don’t know is that the word “light” is activating an unconscious idea and feeling in your brains, that is: light is life, light is seeing, it is understanding, it is a necessity, so it cannot be but positive. If a politician for example says, “these regulations are important to implement because they would light the country”, some among us cannot but think positively of these regulations because the mental image that is awaken is the importance of the light, the light that we need so that we can see, understand, grow, live… 

Now let’s suppose that this same politician decides to repeat that same word, then different media sources repeat it in their tv reports and even tweets. What happens inside our brains in this case? In fact, every time we hear that word, the same mental image is evoked and the image gets stronger in our brains, so we end up believing that what’s being said is common sense. After all, if everybody is talking about it, then it must be true. This is how we form opinions about specific topics and we take action regarding different issues in the world. All this takes place and we’re not even aware of it.

Communication is power and the person who masters the art of communication knows exactly how the brain works and how to get us believe or do whatever is being said to us. Does it mean that we are passive receptors of information? Definitely not. We can surely resist when we learn how communication takes place and how to question the information we receive.

This is what “Beyond the Words” is here to do, to help you be the master of your own mind. It aims at revealing the secrets of communication and raising awareness about the importance of thinking beyond the words. Whether in politics, media, business or other, I will be shedding the light on several local, regional and international subjects to help you understand the messages you receive every day and become more aware of your unconscious reactions to them.

Now is the time to stop following and start thinking Beyond the Words.